How To Use Medicaid For Low-Income Dental Care?

Last Updated: 03/16/2022Dental Insurance

It is very likely to have dental problems, but getting proper dental service can be quite expensive. Do you know that you may use Medicaid to cover part of your dental bills? Check out things you need to know about the benefit and how you may get low-income dental care.

What Is Medicaid?

Medicaid is a federal and state program that helps with healthcare costs for people with limited income and resources in the US. Meanwhile, it offers some benefits not normally covered by Medicare (another government national health insurance program in the United States).

Although the eligibility for Medicaid varies from state to state, it generally falls into the following categories:

  • Adults with low income
  • Children
  • Pregnant women
  • People with disabilities

*How each category is defined depends on which state it is.

Medicaid Dental For Children

It is mandatory for the government to provide dental help for children from low-income families. All states are required to provide dental benefits to children covered by Medicaid.

Such benefits are listed under the EPSDT (the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment) benefit. So, if a child has Medicaid dental insurance, it means these services are covered:

  • Pain relief and infection treatment
  • Tooth restoration
  • Dental health maintenance
  • Any service that is determined to be medically necessary

Medicaid Dental For Adults

For adults, getting dental help that's covered by Medicaid can be a bit more complex because the eligibility for such benefits is chosen by each state. For better understanding, you may check the detailed Medicaid Adult Dental Benefits Coverage by State.

The Difference Between Medicaid And Medicare

The two programs are both aim to help people with limited conditions when it comes to health issues. However, there are certain differences between the eligibility and coverage of the two programs.

The biggest difference between the two is that Medicaid covers healthcare costs for those with low incomes while Medicare provides benefits for the elderly. As for the specific benefits, please check the official website of Medicare and Medicaid for accurate information.

How To Find Dental Care Accept Medicaid Near Me?

You may check out dental clinics near you first with the directory button below, then simply call an office and ask whether they accept Medicaid or not.

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